Monday, July 26, 2010

Proof that this has happened.

So this summer, we've actually been really good at taking pictures of EVERYTHING.  We've had adventure packed weekends, really making Philly ours.  It's been fun.  Here are some pictures to prove it, from where I left off:

(PS. One day I will ACTUALLY finish my 4th of July post.  It's too epic not to finish.)

So like I said, last Saturday, we explored the South Street area of Philadelphia.  But first, we had quite the subway adventure.  There was a man hustling everyone on the subway.  Of course, he headed over to our area of the subway. It was me, Sona, Stacey, Virginia, Jace, Luciano, and Luciano's friend from Duke.  He came up to each of us, of course allowing us to win the first time, and then shoving a $20 bill in our face and saying, "Showing me $20, and you can have this!"  We all told him we didn't have cash.  All of us mostly ignored him.


Two of us, who shall remain nameless (Sona and Jace), decided it would be fun to give him FORTY DOLLARS (hence the title of that post: Give me $40).  And decided they could beat him.  Um, no.  While one of the innocent suckers was distracted, he switched the cups, and asked for an answer before any of the  wiser crowd could let her know.  And so we lost $40.  But it was worth it.  It was HILARIOUS.  We're pretty sure 2 of the other equally sketchy looking men were in on the gig, especially when one told Jace to give him MORE money so he could win back his money.  Because, yeah, I'm sure he would have played fair this time.  Not.

So we actually ended up getting off a stop too late because we were so enthralled with the game.  So we walked through Philly, went past one of our boss' high school (the one she went to, not the one she teaches at) and some other cool places (for more pics, see the Show me $40 post!)

We also got our first Philly cheesesteaks at Ishkabibbles (the line at Jim's was too long!), although those who had been to Jim's confirmed the rumors--Jim's is the best.  We also walked past the magic gardens (pictured above, which Stacey and I went back to yesterday afternoon before work!) and saw some more of Philly's great murals.  We headed to the Philadelphia Academy of Art, which had been the point of our trip, but arrived only 15 minutes before the closing of the exhibit, and spent some time in the gift shop instead :).  All in all, a successful afternoon.

We headed back to 1300 and freshened up (aka took naps until 5 minutes before we had to leave...) for Marrakesh.  Marrakesh is a Moroccan restaurant where you are served traditional Moroccan food in a traditional Moroccan atmosphere by waiters dressed in traditional Moroccan garb and... traditional Moroccan belly-dancers. Our fellow interns from UPenn, Steve and Cristina, had RAVED about this place and its 7 course meal.  That the food was TO DIE FOR (seriously, not joking here).  Could it live up to their words?


Unfortunately, I've run out of time yet again.  And let's be honest, a meal that epic deserves its own post.

1 comment:

Jessica Rose said...

Love this--I hope we can have an adventure this weekend, too!! What an awesome time. I still need to have a cheesesteak...!