Sunday, May 2, 2010

more books

How do I know it's finals?

Because I'm obsessively cleaning.

And adding to lists.  Like my list of books to read:

  1. Strengths Based Leadership
  2. White Oleanders
  3. Stones into Schools
  4. Pathologies of Power
  5. Half the Sky
  6. The Bielski Brothers
  7. Everything is Illuminated
  8. Long Way Down
  9. Sophie's Choice
  10. Profiles in Courage
And no, I don't plan on doing anything except reading when I finish finals.  Reading.  What I want to read.  In the sun.  Falling asleep.  Drinking Diet Coke.  Or sweet tea.  ahhhhhhh.  This might actually motivate me to write papers.

Or not.  Whatevs.

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