Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nothing to do...

Alright, so one of the few up-sides of having absolutley nothing to do at home is that now when I get bored, I run. So, I've gone from out of shape (for me, yes, this is different but whatever, go with me) to back to the shape I was in January-ish. And my body just feels RIGHT again. I'll refrain from putting everything up here, but I've included a few three a days. Yep, that's right. That's how bored I've been. But it's like it takes up twice as much time, because the more I exercize, the more I sleep. And eat. It's fabulous, haha.

In other news, I really REALLY shouldn't be allowed to go to the doctor anymore. Every single time I go, I get sick. Or pass out. Here are my past visits to the health center/hospital/doctor:

September #1: This is post-concussion. Long story short, I walked into a gas station sign. Yes, hahhaha. Very funny, I swear I'm smart. Swear it. I was walking, talking, and texting, and all of a sudden I heard this loud BANG and fell backwards. I hit the front of my head on the sign and the back on the concrete sidewalk. At first I felt fine, embarassed, but fine. Fast forward 15 minutes. I'm sleepy, nauseous, and dizzy as anything. The doctor assures me I'm fine, no concussion. Five minutes later, he comes back and changes his mind. Great, thanks for being competent.

September #2: Three days later, I get a migraine. A few hours later, the migraine spreads. Throughout my body. Worst. Pain. EVER. I slept for about fourteen hours, during which I apprently moaned (according to my sweet roomie, who was amazing and caring through all of this). A day later, I still feel AWFUL. TERRIBLE. So I let my roommate take me to the Health Center, where they give me pain killers that they give cancer patients. First, they give me two pills for the pain and a pill for the nauseau they promise will follow. This has no effect, so the doctor then kindly puts me through a great deal of pain. Read: four shots. Like, I'm talking I feel like there's fire coursing through my veins. After the last shot, though, I'm out. For the rest of the day. Sweet Roomie drives me to get various scans, tests, etc. My only memory is making her pull over so I can throw up for ten minutes on the side of a quite busy road. FAB-U-LOUS.

Fast forward to May, the month of doctor visits.

May #1: Two shots. I pass out.

May #2: Two more shots. I throw up on the way home.

May #3: Dentist. Let me tell you, they LOVE me here. Not. Not only do I not floss as much as I should, I also get sick every single time I come. It's a combination of all the fingers in my mouth and the fact that my mouth is about half the size of a regular adult. No lie. So the molds don't fit, the xray pads don't fit, and everything extra gets shoved down my throat. Add that to my weak stomache, and you have one sick me.

Anyways, I have ANOTHER appointment tomorrow. To get a cavity filled. AKA, it involves shots. And fingers in my mouth. And disgusting drills and pain. FAB-U-LOUS.

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