I also rediscovered my love for the library today. I had only wanted to save some money by checking out Rousseau's treatise instead of buying a copy of it, and I not only found the book quickly thanks to good ole Dewey and his Decimals, but I also relished in the smell of VERY old books and the sound of perfect quiet that only the fourth floor of the library can provide.
You know what else I love? I love the early afternoon. When I can slant my shutters just the right way so that my room is lit, but that grey-early-afternoon-lit, where you could sleep if you wanted to but it's just light enough. Not bright, like a light is on. But seeable. In between squity and WHOA turn the lights off. Natural, beautiful, peaceful, SOFT. SOFT is the perfect way to describe it. It's almost the same soft as a really REALLY dark night. When you can see the stars and that's about it.
So interestingly, we're studying identity and the self in both my philosophy and my social psychology classes. If I didn't have to wake up for these classes in 6 and a half hours, I would blog forever about them. Instead, you'll have to settle for a brief description of what I love (see above) and the cliff notes version of EXISTENCE and IDENTITY.
In my social psych class, the interactionists believe that society greatly affects your definition of your identity and therefore your actions. So your actions reflect certain societal structures. One of the questiosn this brought to my mind was: what do your actions say about society? what do they say about how society affects you? Another question I'd like to blog more about is the question of the three measures of identiy--which I can't remember right now. Oops.
Anyways, I also want to talk about my unexpected reconnection with a friend. A friend who actually lives about three feet from me. Gotta love it.
Also, best thing of my day: falafel.
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