We are in a national state of emergency here.
I come home from ATH (aka the love of my life, keeper of my HEART) last night, open the fridge and we are OUT. 100% devoid of the
elixir of life, joy, and all things good DIET COKE.
We don't mess around in our house. Seriously. We have RULES about this
magical liquid drink. You MAY NOT, no matter who the heck you are or how important you think you might be to my mother (even her perfect, unbelievably wonderful first born daughter) take either of the last TWO Diet Cokes. Consequences? Death.
My mother and I are probably about 80% Diet Coke. Yes, I know, I am rotting my insides. But ya know what, Dr. Oz? I.don't.really.care.that.much. (Or at least right now). I run (a lot), (usually) eat healthy, AND I'M A VEGETARIAN (Plus 10 years!! Wooo!!) so I'm going to drink a few (or a lot) of Diet Cokes every. single. day.
First, let me tell you all of the many, many appropriate times for Diet Coke.
1. That awkward time before dinner when you're absolutely starving and need something to save you before you turn into an ugly green monster but don't want to ruin your appetite or waste precious calories when you're about to go to a wonderful restaraunt. Cure? Diet Coke. My mother and I often split one ON THE WAY to the restaraunt so we can last.
2. When you have a cold. Seriously? I craveeee fountain diet coke from Chick fil A when I'm sick. I would pay good money to anyone to drive me to Chick fil A when I have a fever/chills/stuffy nose to get Diet Coke. It's worth it. Don't argue.
3. After a long night. Case in point? Saturday night I had a BLAST and stayed out entirely too late. Thanks to jetlag, I still woke up at 7am, about three hours after I had fallen asleep. Thanks to the 7 gallons of Diet Coke I drank, however, I wasn't tired. AT ALL. If that isn't magic, I don't know what is.
4. Before a long night. Studying till 4am? Diet Coke. About to celebrate a certain very important birthday complete with dance parties till 5am? Diet Coke. Any questions? That's what I thought.
HOWEVER. Not all diet-cola-drinks are made equal. Here they are, in order of wonderfull-ness. Now, in an emergency (LIKE RIGHT NOW!) I will drink ANY of them.
1. Diet Coke with Lime. Who thought of this? Pure genius.
2. Coke Zero
3. Coke Zero Cherry
4. Diet Coke
5. Diet Pepsi, and any of its alter-egos
6. Big-K Diet Cola
7. Big-K's version of Coke Zero
And, only in the state of TRUE EMERGENCY will I drink...
ANY SODA WITH SPLENDA. I'm sorry. I know we were trying to make it healthier, but for real. This does NOT taste good. Sorry. Try again.
If you have any doubts as to the absolute IMPORTANCE of Diet Coke after this post, please feel free to reach out to me. I'll be happy to show you the error of your ways. Or, if, seeing the importance of Diet Coke, you would like to save me from my Diet Coke-less state, please just come find me. I'll be your BFF FOREVER!! kthanks.
UPDATE: I.FOUND.THE.DIET.COKE. It was hiding. In the garage. All is well again.