Friday, December 18, 2009

Holly Jolly Christmas!

So the one plus side to this cold, rainy weather is that it makes it perfectly acceptable to just curl up in bed and READ with a big mug of tea! And this break I'm most excited about getting to all the books I've been wanting to read this semester! Like...

1. Her Fearful Symmetry
2. A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, Donald Miller
3. I am Charlotte Simmons
4. Remembering the Forgotten God, Francis Chan
5. Harry Potter (rereading my favorite parts... eeeek excited!)
6. The Lost Symbol (Just got it last night--I've heard great things about it... Has anyone read it?)
7. Nanny Returns (Haven't gotten it yet but planning on hitting up the library this afternoon... I haven't heard anything about it, though.  Any word?)
8. The 4:8 Principle
9. The Reason for God
10. The Freedom Writer's Diary
11. One Day, All Children, Wendy Kopp

Along with all of the other books laying around the house. I think one of my New Years resolutions might be to finally read all of the books I've collected over the years. Maybe.  Ha.

Any other fabulous suggestions?

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