Tuesday, November 24, 2009

so thankful.

2 months later, quite a bit has happened.  Pictures to prove it:

Katie Kellogg and I went to Savannah... for a day.  What did we do?  Everything we could have done in Athens--we read, shopped, and ate.  A lot. But it was lovely. :)

Quote of the weekend:
"You know, I'm glad you have friends."
-My mother.  (Was she doubting this..?)


It was also Halloween at the Hardin House... Elyssa MIGHT kill me for putting these up.  But it's probably worth it...


We took many a trip to Sonic for late night tots.  Complete with headlamps when our work load was just too much. :)  (I told you those would come in handy...)


And Georgia-Florida.  (NOT FLORIDA-GEORGIA)  Wonderful time (did I mention I was sitting at the 50 yard line, 3 rows up?) despite the loss.

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